Abe Simon letters

Last edit of this site 2023.AUG.11

Abe (Abram) Simon wrote many letters.  Those he wrote to his brother Nate (Nathan) have largely survived, thanks to Nate’s obsessive habits.  On each piece of incoming mail, Nate noted the arrival date.  Abe’s letters are not always elegant, as he often wrote in difficult situations.  There will be only minimal changes to clean up grammar or punctuation, but (sic) will be noted for obvious errors.  Explanatory comments will appear in brackets [ ]. 

Most letters have date of writing, date of postmark, and date of receipt in Mocanaqua. Postmarks are used, where possible, to identify letters.

Much of Abe’s writing was done with green ink.  For (almost) everything Nate received, he noted the date in green ink.

Abe wrote many letters during his time in the Army. After his discharge late in 1942, there are fewer letters.

The letters are reached with the following links:

February-March 1942, Abe’s initial experiences in the Army

April 1942, time at Fort Lee, Virginia

May 1942, training at Fort Lee

June 1942, on track for auto parts work, hoping for Officers Candidate School

July 1942, ulcer attack and surgery delays all plans

August 1942, resting up in Tampa

September 1942, waiting to learn what will happen next

October 1942, birthday in the military hospital, moving toward discharge

November 1942, considering post-Army possibilities

January to March 1943, Buddy Levine’s jewelry store

April 1943, Abe’s jobs options and Esther’s poignant letter to Nate

May-October 1943, announces return to Mocanaqua and engagement to Inga, plus a honeymoon postcard

June 1956, one odd letter defying interpretation

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