Abe Simon’s letters, August 1942

Last edit of this site 2021.DEC.11


Abe takes time off in Tampa, staying with Esther and Isidor Wohl.  He still needs information and help from Nate with regard to his car.  The August 31 item appears to be the first use of “Main St.” in the Mocanaqua address.

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Postcard Abe to Nate, postmarked Petersburg, Va., Aug 3, 1942 [presumed, as postmark is at margin of card].  Nate notes in green ink 8-5-42.


8:30 PM

Dear Nate:

Waiting for the train so will be moving off soon.  I am feeling fine and will take care of myself.  I have a diet list and it is not so bad other than no coca-cola etc.  You also lay off of the soda.  Drink milk and water.  Trust biz is good.  Hope all are well.



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AIRMAIL letter, with stamps, from Abe to Nate, postmarked Tampa, Aug 4, 1942, from the return address 202 Caspian St/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida.  This was the home of Isidor and Esther Wohl.  Nate notes in green ink 8-6-42.

Aug 4, 1942

Dear Nate:

Arrived in Tampa safely.  Isidor Sara and Clara were at the station to meet us.  Trust all at home are well.  All here fine and everyone asked for you.  Mashie and his wife and kid were over last nite.  They look fine especially Mashie.  He weighs two ounces less than a light tank.  Had a very good nites sleep and had a nice breakfast.  I am feeling very good and it seems as though I were never operated on.  But I will continue to take it easy.  The weather is as per summer should be in Tampa but not as bad as Virginia.

I am mailing out the tags an owners card. I meant to ask you this.  The $5 windshiled sticker has X1992 license on it.  Will it make much difference or will they check that?  I think I’ll leave my car home when I get there.  Cause if I do go back to school I’ll seldom have time to use it.  Nothing else of news.  Hope business is good

Regards to all


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Postcard Abe to Nate, postmarked Tampa, Aug 6, 1942, from the return address 202 Caspian St/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida.  This was the home of Isidor and Esther Wohl.  Nate notes in green ink 8-10-42.

Thurs.  [This was August 6.]

Dear Nate:

Trust all are well.  I’m fine and having a nice rest.  Stayed at Abe Berger’s home at the lake yesterday and slept there last nite.  It was nice and cool and a really fine place.  All here are well and all asked about you.  Eating with Mashie and his wife tonite.  He is doing fairly nice at his store.  Nothing much else to write of

Regards to all


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Letter from Abe to Nate, postmarked Tampa, Aug 7, 1942, from the return address 202 Caspian St/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida.  This was the home of Isidor and Esther Wohl.  Nate notes in green ink 8-10-42.


Dear Nate:

Well here it is Friday and the time just flies by.  Trust all are well.   I’m fine and feeling good as ever.

Esther, Isidor and myself had dinner with Mashie and his wife.  We sure had a lot of fun.

Jimmie is getting along real nicely.  He is now in the yard with a hose spraying himself with water to keep cool.  [Jimmie, also spelled Jimmy, is the mentally challenged son of Esther and Isidor.  He was six years old.]  Tonite I am going to some boxing matches with Max Juster and some others.

I am going to leave Tampa by next Saturday to get into Petersburg [in Virginia, not St. Petersburg, Florida] by Sunday but will let you know the exact time.  And don’t forget the tags for the car.  Di the others get in O.K.

Trust that business is holding up O.K.

How are Ruth and Carol?  Trust Carol is a good girl.  You tell her if she isn’t good I won’t play with her.

I am going with Esther today to try to get reservations on the train.

Nothing else new will close with best wishes to all.



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AIRMAIL letter, with stamps, from Abe to Nate, postmarked Tampa, Aug 10, 1942, from the return address 202 Caspian St/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida.  This was the home of Isidor and Esther Wohl.  Nate notes in green ink 8-12-42.

Aug 10, 1942

Dear Nate:

Trust this finds all well.  I’m fine as are the rest here.  I have been having a nice rest and can say that I feel normal again.  We have been trying to get my reservations back to Petersburg but the lines are so large at the station it sorta makes it a problem.  But Isidor is going to work on it by phone and will probably get them today.  I will wire you the arrival time in Petersburg so that you can have Fat there in time.  Please don’t forget the tags.  Should I change the license number on the Federal windshield sticker?, or will it be O.K. as it is?  How is Carol? And is she behaving?  Tell her she has to be a good girl.

 I hope business is good.  Nate I guess you’ll have to lay your hands on some new items that you could sell now.  Buy anything regardless of nature because things just aren’t going to be around a little later.  Washers, refrigerators, radios etc, electric irons anything in the appliance nature.  Nothing else to writ except stay well and will be seeing you soon.

Regards to all


Isidor just called me.  I’ll probably get into Petersburg at 9: AM Sunday morning but will wire definitely.

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Letter Abe to Nate, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Aug 31, 1942.  Free.  Receipt noted by Nate in green ink as 9-2-42 AM.  This is ‘Abram Simon’ stationery.   This is the first letter in which “Main Street” is added to the address;  it’s Mr. Nathan Simon/Main St.,/Mocanaqua, Penna.


Dear Nate:

Arrived safely as per my wire and I felt fine.  Trust all at home are well.

Well, so far nothing has been done but I have been told (it isn’t definite) by a nurse that they may find some limited service for me whereby I could get the proper food etc.  There will probably be nothing done to me until Monday or Tuesday and then I won’t know for a while.  I don’t know when the board meets.  As soon as I know I’ll write and let you know in detail.  I will also phone. 

I want to thank you for all the nice things you did for me.  Previous to my visit to Moc and during my stay there.  It was swell being home.

They are all rooting for me to get back into school.  I’d be glad if my condition warranted it.

Nothing else except the doctor and nurses greeted me with open arms.

Love to all


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Postcard Abe to Nate, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Aug 31, 1942.  Free postage.  Nate notes in green ink date of receipt 9-2-42 AM.   The note does not contain Abe’s usual writing date.

Dear Nate:

I am fine and hope to hear the same from home.  Tomorrow I get my checkup.  Will let you know how I make out.  Trust business is good.

Mac Williams was down to visit me.  Tell Mr. Taylor to tell his brother he is feeling fine.  Regards to all.


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