Abe Simon’s letters, May-October 1943

Last edit of this page 2023.AUG.11


In the May 3 letter, Abe stated that he would be returning to work at Mocanaqua.  In the June 30 letter, Abe announced the exciting news of his coming marriage.  In that letter, he had to ask Nate for money to buy a ring.  Curiously, he said very little about the bride-to-be.   Abe and Inga were married on Abe’s 30th birthday, October 10, 1943.

Letter, Abe to Nate, postmarked Tampa, Fla., May 3, 1943.   The return address is 202 Caspian St./Davis Island/Tampa, Fla.   Nate notes date of receipt as 5-6-43.   Abe writes in green ink.

May 3, 1943

Dear Nate:

I am kinda getting this out ire I received a letter from you in answer to my thinking of wanting to stay in Tampa.  Just forget the whole thing.  I’m coming back to Mocanaqua.  I just couldn’t be away and have my heart and conscience free.  So please forget the whole thing.

When I leave Tampa I probably will go into N.Y. with Mashie as he is going up on a buying trip and from there will go to Moc.  Will only spend a day or two in N.Y.

From all indications I will leave here by the 15th so just keep it a secret.

By the way, I went to Shul for Yahrziet and I did the Davening at the Ohmed.  And boy was I hep.  The old boys came by and congratulated me.  So you see I can really do it if I make up my mind.  I even said Rabbona Kaddish.

Trust all at home are well and extend my regards to all.  Kiss Carol & M.J. for me.  I must sure be quite the fellow now.  God bless your lovely children they are tops.

All here fine.



≈ ≈ ≈

Letter from Abe to Nate.   This has no accompanying envelope.


Dear Nate:

It is happy tidings I am sending this time.  Brace yourself cause it is a whopper – I’m engaged.  Yes, I feel that I have found a girl that is the answer to my dreams.  From all indications we will be married in about two months.  How is that?  Gosh I am so happy you have no idea.

Nate as usual you are the one we all must come to for aid.  As I told you when I was there that I would ask you for money for the ring.  Well that is what I am doing.  I don’t know as yet what it will be but I will try to make $50000 do.  You mentioned that you would borrow it at the bank and send it to me.  I want to ask you a special favor.  Instead of borrowing from the bank take it out of the business and I’ll pay it back that way.  If you can’t see your way clear arrange for me to borrow on my metropolitan policy the one Boyek collects for.  Please let me know either way as I have Buddy getting me some diamonds to choose from and want to pay him.  I’ll probably wire you the amount if you say O.K.

Nate there is another thing that I have been thinking seriously about and that is this.  After my marriage if I returned to Moc and continued working with you there we could arrange some setup whereby I could see my way clear to keep myself and wife.  She doesn’t demand much nor ask for anything except to be happy.  We would rent somewhere and buy our furniture and pay it off gradually.  I feel that the both of us there could do a lot more business than just one of us.  At least we wouldn’t be tied down to making all business transactions at nite after the store was closed.

Nate you know I would be happier there but I want your viewpoint.  The job I have here is alright but I am working for someone else and frankly it isn’t the best thing in the world.  I could probably go places with this firm but I just don’t like to have to kiss people’s back side for recognition and this firm is loaded with politics.

Will close now hoping all are well and that business i O.K.  Awaiting an early reply as to my many queries I am

Very happy


Nate, I believe for the first time in my life I am happy.  You’ll love her, she knows more about Hebrew than both of us (you and I) put together.

≈ ≈ ≈

JULY 17, 1943

Letter from Abe to Nate.   This has no accompanying envelope.  Nate notes the date of receipt as July 19.


Dear Nate,

Trust all are well.  All here fine.  There is not much news except that I gave Inga the ring yesterday and golly is she thrilled.  So am I.  It is a gorgeous ring and hope that we derive as much pleasure from our marriage as we have during our engagement.

Nate, I didn’t use your check.  Firstly I might become negligent and not pay off the loan like I should and secondly it may crimp you so I have borrowed the money at the Broadway National Bank in Ybor City.  Isidor endorsed for me and I’ll pay it off bit by bit.  It will be sort of a burden for a while but by October I may have it reduced sufficiently where it won’t hamper me.  Trust that this will be alright with you.  I borrowed a thousand, paid Buddy $650 for the ring and keeping the balance for any incidentals that may crop up from now until my honeymoon. 

There is not much else new.  I wrote you that I was working for Buddy.  The pay is good and the work interesting.  We have heard from most of the family.  They have all written to Inga but you.  Suppose you drop her a line sort of welcoming her into the family.  Shucks, you know about what to write.  Her address is 2915 Estrella, Tampa 6, Fla.

Nothing much else new so will close with best wishes to all.

Kiss the kids for me.


≈ ≈ ≈

AUG 20, 1943

Letter from Abe to Nate.   This has no accompanying envelope.  This does not have Nate’s note about date of receipt (as is his usual habit).

Aug 20, 1943

Dear Nate,

            Trust this finds all well.  All here fine.

            Haven’t heard from home in a long time but trust it is because business is good.  There is nothing new here except the usual run of things.  I like my work and I only work eight hours a day so it is not bad at all.

            Inga and I are very much in anticipation of our wedding and sure are looking forward to our honeymoon when we can visit up home.  I just can’t believe it is me getting married but I am happy about the whole thing.  Gosh the more I am with Inga the happier and more in love I am.  She is certainly one swell person.  You will all like her.  So plain, simple, honest.

            So much for that.

            Nate I have a favor to ask of you.  There are two friends of mine here who want spotlites you know the type that goes through the windshield pillar.  Preferably the Mopar spotlites.  And another request, an exhaust whistle.  The type that lets out a shrill blast.  He travels between here and Georgia and needs it to get the cows off the highway.  They are legal here and the only thing that will get a cow off the road.  Don’t want you to give them at cost but want you to make something on these.  There seems nothing else new so will close with best wishes to all.

Love, Abe

Kiss the kids for me.


SEPT 21, 1943

Letter from Abe to Nate.   This has no accompanying envelope.  This does not have Nate’s note about date of receipt (as is his usual habit).

Sept 21, 1943

Dear Nate,

            We have just completed our wedding plans.  So I hasten to inform you of them.  But of course in confidence if you wish, but if you can see your way clear to get here for the wedding so much the better.  We had planned to marry Oct 14th but that is “Suchos” so we are going to make it Sunday Oct 10.  Would love to have you here is you could make it.  It is the next day after Yom Kippur.  Sure hope you can make it.

            Trust the family is well.  All here fine and want to be remembered.

            We plan to leave here on the 15th and get to W.B. the 16th after spending a week someplace in Florida.

            Nate in regards to the loan I asked for, sure would appreciate it as soon as you can send it to me.  Golly, there is so damn much expense connected with this wedding it’s got me nuts.  But it will work out O.K. – I hope.

            There is nothing else new except that the house is being painted and may be all finished in the next two weeks.  It’s a mess now.

            Hope business is good and stays that way.

            A happy and prosperous new year to you all.

Love, Abe

Kiss the kids for me.


OCT 11, 1943

Postcard from Abe to Nate. Abe and Inga were married the previous day. The postcard was cancelled on October 12 from Sarasota. This appears to be the honeymoon location.


Dear Nate:

Brother, is this the thing beyond my wildest dreams.

Love to all

Abe & Inga

Regards to Mrs. Simon

See you soon.

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