Abe Simon’s letters, April 1942

Last edit of this site 2021.DEC.10

Abe Simon wrote many letters.  Those he wrote to his brother Nate (Nathan) have largely survived, thanks to Nate’s obsessive habits.  On each piece of incoming mail, Nate noted the arrival date.  Abe’s letters are not always elegant, as he often wrote in difficult situations.  There will be no changes to clean up grammar or punctuation, but (sic) will be noted for obvious errors.  Explanatory items will appear in brackets [ ]. 

Most of Abe’s writing was done with green ink.  For (almost) everything Nate received, he noted the date in green ink.


Training moved from intake at New Cumberland to Fort Lee, Virginia. Abe seemed to take military training with equanimity. His cards and letters expressed frequent concerns about the family business. The card with postmark April 23 and the letter with postmark April 27 reveal that Nate made trips from Mocanaqua to Fort Lee, a very long car journey. The card with postmark April 24 mentioned gas rationing. The letter postmarked April 27 mentioned the Masonic ring and also that Abe might be eligible for training as a parts clerk.

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Postcard Abe to Nate, postmarked April 6, 1942, New Cumberland, PA.  This town is just south of Harrisburg.   The address is simply “Mr. Nathan Simon, Mocanaqua, Pa.”

3-5-42 [Abe made frequent one-month errors.]

Dear Nate,

Just finished dinner and what a meal.  Turkey and it was very good.  They also gave each man a package of cigarettes.

Nothing new here.  Lou, Pucky and David also Shiela were over to see me to-day.

Will write again.



Noted in green ink at bottom “Rec’d 4-7-42.”   Green ink was one of Nate’s peculiarities.

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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 7 (inferred), 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  Return address has  Abram Simon/COB-282/New Cumberland, Pa./   Nate notes in green ink 4-8-42 AM.

3-6-42          [Nate corrects month to April]

9:30 PM

Dear Nate:

Trust this finds you all well.  I’m fine and still here.  No word as yet about leaving, soam today just waiting.

Trust business is up to par.  I’m feeling good so other than that nothing is stirring



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 9, 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  Nate notes in green ink 4-10-42 AM.

Dear Nate:

Trust all are well.  I’m fine and getting along O.K.

Saw Kolo Yunzow [hard to read] yesterday.

Hope biz is holding up alright.

Regards to all



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 13, 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  This has a return address  Abram Simon/-COB-282/New Cumberland Pa/.  Nate’s green ink notes (4-14 AM)

Dear Nate

All well.  Nothing new

Hope you arrived safe



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 14, 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  Nate notes in green ink 4-16 AM

Dear Nate:

Nothing new.  Feeling fine and biding my time.

Heard from Dora, and Esther today so it makes the day alright

Most of my friends here have been sent out.  Trust all are well and that biz is good.



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 16, 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  Nate notes in green ink 4-17-42 AM


8:15 AM

Dear Nate:

Trust you Ruth and Carol are well.  I’m fine except for a little cold that now seems to be breaking up.  Nothing new here.  Hven’t heard as yet when I’ll be shipped.  The usual run of things early to bed early to rise, drill, march, calisthenics etc.

Hope biz is good.



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Notes on back of an Amoco service card, likely written by Nate



Company B

Bldg #507 #T652

10th QM – Regiment

1st battalion

Camp Lee


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Postcard, Abe to Isidor Wohl, postmarked April 21, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  Isidor’s address is given as Mr. Isidor Wohl/202 Caspian Ave.,/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida/

3-20-42  [Abe missed the month, yet again.]

Dear Folks:

Arrived here at 4 PM today and don’t know much about the place its so large, but will get acclimated.

My address is on the other side so don’t forget to write me at Camp Lee, Va.

Trust all are well.  I’m fine regards to all.



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 21, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  Nate notes in green ink 4-22-42 AM/1st card from Camp Lee

Return address is Abram Simon/Co-B-10th QM Rgt/Bldg-507/Camp Lee, Va/

3-20-42  [Abe has many errors like this;  3 should be 4]

Dear Nate:

I just got through talking to you but will drop a card anyway.

This really is some outfit, huge is putting it mildly.  The meals seem to be better than at New Cumberland.

Will write again Tuesday.

Love to all


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Postcard, Abe to Isidor Wohl, postmarked April 22, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  The return address is Abram Simon/COB-10th QM Rgt/1st Bn – Bldg 507/Camp Lee, Va/.  Isidor’s address is given as /Mr. Isidor Wohl/202 Caspian Ave.,/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida/

3-21-42 [Abe still thought it was March.]

Dear Folks,

Trust this finds you all in good health.  I am fine and getting slowly accustomed to the routine at this camp.  It is quite large but oh so dusty.  We will have an 8 wks training period and then I may be sent to another camp.  But until that time I’ll be here.  Kiss the kids for me.



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 22, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  Nate notes in green ink 4-23-42 AM.


Dear Nate:

Trust this finds all well.  I’m fine and enjoying good health.  I took a couple of tests today and applied for parts clerk which looks very favorable.

Hope biz is good.  Nothing much else doing here except that it is mighty dusty here.

Regards and best wishes



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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 23, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  Nate notes in green ink Recd 4-24-42 AM.

Dear Nate:

Trust this finds you in good health.  I’m fine.  Today we had a taste of real drill from 7:15 till 8  we had calisthenics from 8 till 5 O’clock drill, march, and more drill, scaling obstacles and what not.  Believe me I’m tired so I’ll just write to you to-nite and I’m going right to bed   Tomorrow the works again so I’ve got to have rest.  Trust biz is good, love.


If you come to camp, drive on ave A till 13th st and wait at theatre #3 or you’ll get lost

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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 24, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.   The return address is Abram Simon/COB-10th QM Rgt/1st Bn – Bldg 507/Camp Lee, Va/.  Noted in green ink 4-25-42 AM.

3-23-42 [The month should be April.]

Dear Nate:

Trust this finds you well.  I’m find and getting acclimated.  We just had a delicious meal.  Liver and onions and French fried potatoes.  Boy did I go to town.  It was made like Ruth makes it.  Haven’t seen Lester yet.  Haven’t had time.  Regards to all  Trust bix is good.  Heard of the gas rationing effective 15th of May    



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Letter from Abe to Nate, postmarked April 27, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.   Nate notes in green ink 4-29-42 AM.   He also notes “1st with free postage.”

April 26, 1942


Dear Nate:

Hope this finds all well.  I’m fine and sitting here and waiting.  I thought you were coming down to-day but don’t blame you.  It is too much of a drive and with the gas situation what it is it would be quite a problem.

I went into Petersburg this morning for breakfast.  I wen tot a restaurant that Isidor told me to go to.  The fellow that runs it is formerly from Tampa.  A Jewish fellow by the name of Haimovits own it, so I talked to him a while and then came back to camp waiting for you.

I was going to call you last nite but I worked in the kitchen from 5:30 in the morning till 9 at nite and it was too late to get to a phone.  I tried to call today but no one answered at the store or at your home.

Tomorrow we start our basic training and we will have four weeks of military drill and four weeks of technical training at a school.  The fellow that interviewed me was a mason and he noticed my ring rite away.  There seems to be a need for parts clerks and he thought that was a good job for me with my background and training.  I think they give out rating in that rather fast.  So I’ll just have to wait until I finish my basic.

Nate please let me know in advance when your coming if not I’ll go into Richmond for the weekend.  There are two Jewish boys in my company, brothers who friends and relatives in Richmond so they have asked me to go in with them.

We are finished every nite at retreat and are off until eleven when we must be in for bed checks.  We work in our barracks on Friday nites cleaning up in preparation for Saturday’s inspection.  They had gas mask drill yesterday but I missed it since I was on K.P.

I got a letter from Esther yesterday and she sent me $5.  I didn’t need it but was nice of her.  I also got a nice long letter from Isidor also from the rest of the family.

Will close with best wishes  Hope business is good.



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Postcard, Abe to Isidor Wohl, postmarked April 27, 1942, Camp Lee, Va.  The return address includes Pvt A Simon.  Isidor’s address is given as /Mr. Isidor Wohl/202 Caspian Ave.,/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida/   Abe’s dates are often off by one month.

3-26-42 [Should have been 4-26-42]


Dear All:

Trust this finds you all in good health.  I’m fine.  Esther received your letter and thanks.  Also received Isidor’s lovely letter and thank you for your good wishes and desires but impossible to get out of camp for that many days.

Birthday greeting to you Esther and many more.  Kiss kids for me


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Postcard, Abe to Isidor Wohl, postmarked April 30, 1942, Petersburg, Va.  Isidor’s address is given as /Mr. Isidor Wohl/202 Caspian Ave.,/Davis Island/Tampa, Florida/

3-29-42 [Should have been 4-29-42]

Dear Folks:

Hope all are well.  I’m fine and trust this warm wether doesn’t bother you too much.  Esther may God grant you many more happy birthdays.

Nothing new here.  Love to all


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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked April 30, 1942, Petersburg, Va.  Nate notes in green ink 5-1-42 AM.

3-29-42  [should have been 4-29-42]

Dear Nate:

Received your card and letter to-day, very glad to get them, they make nice reading.

I have written to Norfolk to Dora Samuels but don’t know any of the Swersky addresses.

Trust all are well.  I’m find and things are running smoothly.  Cards and letters from Dora and Edith also (illegible).



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