Abe Simon’s letters February-March 1942

Last edit of this page 2021.DEC.10

Abe Simon wrote many letters.  Those he wrote to his brother Nate (Nathan) have largely survived, thanks to Nate’s obsessive habits.  On each piece of incoming mail, Nate noted the arrival date.  Abe’s letters are not always elegant, as he often wrote in difficult situations.  There will be no changes to clean up grammar or punctuation, but (sic) will be noted for obvious errors.  Explanatory items will appear in brackets [ ]. 

Most of Abe’s writing was done with green ink.  For (almost) everything Nate received, he noted the date in green ink.


It is not clear why Abe in the 1942.FEB.17 letter qualifies for treatment with the Veterans Administration before he has entered the service. 

New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, was Abe’s first Army location.

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Letter Abe to Nate, no envelope, return address is on stationery of Louis Wohl & Sons restaurant supplies, Tampa.

Feb 17, 1942

Dear Nate:

Hope all are well.  All here fine.  Received your letters with various enclosures.  Thanks, especially for the check.  I took care of the Veterans Administration and wrote them for a paper affording me permission to enter the veterans hospital here for a check-up.  Hope it comes through as it will save me a lot of money.  If I get in this hospital I’m going to have them work on my cyst at the base of my spine.  I don’t think it will require surgery as it is of a different nature than my original cyst.  Don’t worry about it and don’t tell the kids.

The weather has been quite cool the past week but it is due to turn warm tonite as per the weatherman.

I am resting nicely and getting out in the sun weather permitting.  I hope I’ll be in tip-top shape when I get back home so that I’ll be able to do some work around S.M.S. [Simon’s Motor Sales]. 

I wrote to Fat [almost certainly Fat Cavallini of Mocanaqua] and haven’t heard from him.  Tell him to drop me a line, also Bill Merna, Mike Prince and the rest.  Heard from Jiggs.

Nothing else new so will close hoping all stay well.


Kiss the kids for me.

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Postcard to Nate and Ruth, postmarked New Cumberland, Pa., March 23, 1942.  The town is just south of Harrisburg.  This is to the address 95 N. Main St., Shickshinny, Pa.   (Cards just to Nate are sent to Mocanaqua.)  Nate does not mark the date of receipt.


Dear Ruth, Nate, Carol:

Trust you are all well, especially Carol.  Hope she has fully recovered.

I am honestly so busy here that writing time is at a premium.

When evening comes all you want to do is sleep.  Love and best wishes,


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Postcard to Nate, postmarked New Cumberland, Pa., March 23, 1942.  Date of receipt, noted by Nate, is (3-25).

Dear Nate:

Trust you are well.  I’m fine and enjoying it all in spite of the many duties that become your lot here.

Hope business is good.  Did you sell any of the used cars?

Nothing much stirring here.



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Postcard to Nate, postmarked New Cumberland, Pa., March 25, 1942.  Abe wrote in pencil, rather than his usual green ink.  Nate notes in green date of receipt  3-26-42.

Dear Nate:

Received your letter and glad to hear from you.  Got letters from our whole family to-day.  Al was shipped out to-day.  So it is a little lonely without him.

Regards to all


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Postcard, Abe to Nate, postmarked March 27, 1942, New Cumberland, Pa.  Nate notes in green ink 3-29-42.


Dear Nate:

All is well.  Nothing new here except regular routine.  I’m getting to be quite a soldier, you marching, drilling etc.

Regards to all


Hope biz is good

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