Abe Simon’s letters, January to March, 1943

Last edit of this page 2021.DEC.12


The January 28 letter urged Nate to work easier.  The February 2 letter has amusing commentary on cousin Buddy (Maurice) Levine.   The March 30 letter had Abe sending a replacement masonic ring to Nate.

Letter from Abe to Nate.  The letter is on the stationery of Louis Wohl & Sons.  There is no envelope.  The letter is typed. It is not likely Abe typed this himself.

Jan 28, 1943

Dear Nate:

Arrived here four hours late and so damn worn out from the trip that all that would suffice was a good nites sleep and boy did I get it.

Found all here well and all with to be remembered.  Tanya is some big girl now and is really a little lady.

Dropped in to see Mashie but he is in Miami and won’t be back until tomorrow so will see him then.  His wife is going to have a baby in March some time she tells me.  His business is very good so darn good that the excise tax that he has to pay the government is driving him bugs.  For December he must pay $575.00 so you can see he is getting rid of merchandise.

Business here at the warehouse as it usually is, good.  A lot of the help has gone into the army but it seems like it is now just about the right size force to take care of the trade and for about the first time that I have known the place is not overmanned.

The weather her today is lovely but yesterday it was a nasty day with rain and was unusually cool and damp.  To day is a summer day.

Hope that all are well at home and that the baby is coming along O.K.

Nate, you can take it a little easier at the store.  Close up 6 and go home wash up and rest.  After all there is no use making a slave of yourself.  Your not as young and agile as you used to be so for your own sake adjust yourself to a slower pace.  The goyem don’t appreciate that you stay at the store all hours of the day to accommedate [sic] them.  So give yourself a break and ease up.  It is about the time in life when you should start enjoying your children and God knows you have two lovely kids.  God bless them.

Nothing much else so will close with love and best wishes to all.

As ever,

Abe [signed]

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Letter from Abe to “All.”  There’s no envelope, but this probably went to Nate.  The Stationery is from Maurice (Buddy) Levine, The Jewel Box, credit jewelers, 1512 7th Avenue, Tampa, Fla.  The letter is typed.

Feb. 2  1943

Dear All:

Trust this finds you all in good health.  All here fine and wish to be remembered.  I’m here at Maurice’s and so help me you can go crazy at what goes on here.  I don’t remember when I laughed so much.  Buddy is really a killer.  What he doesn’t tell the customers isn’t worth telling.  A lady came in with a watch that had a rattle and she wanted to know about the noise.  So Buddy tells her he is surprised that she didn’t know that she had the latest thing in watches, that noise she hears is the shock absorber.  Can you imagine anything like that.  Just spoke with Esther and she told me about the letter from you.  I had her open it and read it to me.  Thanks very much for the check but you really shouldn’t have done it.  I don’t really need it.  But thanks a lot.  Trust all the family is well and the baby betting along like a good fellow.  Hope business hold up.  Regards to all.


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Letter from Abe to Nate.  There’s no envelope.  The Stationery is from Maurice (Buddy) Levine, The Jewel Box, credit jewelers, 1512 7th Avenue, Tampa, Fla.  This is written in green ink.


Dear Nate:

Trust all are well.  All here fine and wish to be remembered.

Received your letter and check this morning, thanks.  Thanks also for having the work done on my car.  I sure appreciate it.

Nate you never told me but I know that you lost your masonic ring.  So today I have mailed you a very pretty masonic ring and I hope you’ll like it.  Just wear it in good health and don’t reprimand me for getting it for you.  The cost was not so much as I got it form Buddy.  He by the way is taking his 3rd in two weeks.  I don’t want to miss that.

Trust that business is good.  I believe I’ll be in well enough shape to really put in some

[page may be missing]

Oscar and Fanney [Fanny and Oscar Pollar;  Fanny was the daughter of Lena Swiersky Levine and Max Levine.] are feuding, and looks like divorce.  Yesterday he kicked her, today she beat hell out of him.

I realize that you are working hard and need help.  It would be an opportunity to make some money, but that isn’t important if you would not sanction it.  You know that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, you mean to much to me for me to do that.  You see I remember the lean years and how you struggled and are still struggling.  If you have time just write me about it if not forget the whole thing, and I’ll go on like I never gave it a thought.

Best wishes to all and kiss the kids for me.  Carol owes me a letter.



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