The mystery of Jacob Simon

Last update of this page 2023.SEP.28

Jacob Simon, the patriarch of this large clan, remains a mystery. He told very few stories, and he appears in very few photographs.

Jacob did not leave a helpful trail of information. For example, the simple date-of-birth question does not get a simple answer.

On his marriage application November 30, 1899, he gave his age as 28 — and thus birth year 1871 or 1872 (depending on his month and day of birth).

On the United States census June 5, 1900, he gave his birth date as September 1873.

On his first naturalization application February 24, 1902, he gave his birth date as August 24, 1873.

On his second naturalization application December 6, 1904, he gave his birth date as September 28, 1872.

On the United States census April 29-30, 1910, he gave his age as 38 — and thus birth year 1872 or 1873 (depending on his month and day of birth).

On the United States census January 27, 1920, he gave his age as 47 — and thus birth year 1872 or 1873 (depending on his month and day of birth).

His cemetery marker has 1872 as his year of birth.

Click these links to see what we have been able to assemble. (This material is under development. A link is active only if it is colored.) In brackets are the dates of the latest edits.

Jacob’s origins in Odessa. [2021.MAR.22]Jacob comes to America. [2022.FEB.02]Jacob’s citizenship process. [2021.NOV.30]Jacob meets Kate, and the amazing circumstances of their wedding. [2022.FEB.15]
Swiersky connections.Jacob as businessman. [2023.SEP.28]Jacob’s family on census forms. (Also available from home page.) [2021.JAN.27]Jacob’s death. [2023.SEP.28]
What happened to Jacob’s relatives in Odessa?

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