Abe Simon’s letters, November 1942

Last edit of this page 2021.DEC.12


In the letter postmarked November 3, Nate was still helping manage Abe’s money.  The letter with postmark November 8 (or in the interval November 8 to 11), Abe hoped for a civilian job with Army ordnance.  This letter also showed that Nate had arranged a driver to get Abe’s car to Virginia.

Letter to Nate, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Nov 3, 1942.  The address is Mr. Nathan Simon/Main St.,/Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania/.  Nate notes date of receipt in green ink as 11-5-42.  Return address is Cadet Abram Simon/Ward 2. Station Hosp/Camp Lee, Va.

Nov 1, 1942

Dear Nate:

Received your letter today and glad to hear from you.  Glad that all are well.  I am fine.

My letter from “Sylvania 345” included my bill for my dues.  Please pay them out of that last check I sent you.  Then you can mail me my card.  I am going to try to get some letters of recommendation from the hospital here and will include them with my application to the Specialist corps.  I hope you had Sundays Phila Inquirer as there was an interesting article on the Corps.  Gosh I’d like to get into it.

The letter from Hicky was interesting but no exciting nor did he tell me where he was.

Nothing else, regards to best wishes to all

Kiss M. J. and Carol for me.               Love


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Letter to Nate, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Nov 8 to 11, 1942.  (Postmark incomplete)  The address is Mr. Nathan Simon/Main St.,/Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania.  Nate notes date of receipt in pencil as 11-12.  Return address is Cadet Abram Simon/Ward 2. Station Hosp/Camp Lee, Va.

Nov 7, 1942

Dear Nate:

Trust this find all well.  I am fine.  It is Saturday afternoon and I thought that I should write you in regard to finding something in Wash.

Firstly let me say this  There is a terrific demand for men with auto parts experience.  Especially in the ordnance department.  I am in a position to bargain as I do not have the thought of army classification to worry about.  I am a free man and can stay in whatever department I choose until such time as I see fit to leave.  They do not have to worry about breaking in a man and then lose him to the army.  So you see I am in a good position.  The thing is to get to see the proper person.  Which I hope you will be able to find out for me.  I am also going to try from here.  Don’t worry about this boy who is going to bring my car down as he is a good kid doesn’t drink and a good driver.

Went to services today, as I do every Saturday.  A nurse from our ward went into town and brought me in a whole platter of broiled chicken.  It was really delicious.  Gosh they are good to me here.

Nothing else of interest.  Thanks for going to so much trouble for me in connection with my car.  I sure appreciate it.

Love to all


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Letter from Abe to Isidor Wohl, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Nov 10, 1942.  

Return address is Cadet Abram Simon/Ward 2-Sta Hosp/Camp Lee, Va.   It’s noted Free Postage instead of a stamp. 

Nov 9, 1942

Dear Kids:

Trust this finds all well.  I am fine.  It seems that I may be discharged from the hospital this week.  In the event that I am, then I will go to Wash. and see what can be done about getting something to do with the government.  All of that is problematical and awaits developments.

There is nothing else that is at all interesting and until anything does show up, I will close with best wishes to all

Kiss Tanya for me – also kiss each other.



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Letter to Nate, postmarked Camp Lee, Va., Nov 12, 1942.  The address is Mr. Nathan Simon/Main St.,/Mocanaqua, Pennsylvania/.  Nate notes date of receipt in green ink as 11-14.  Return address is Cadet Abram Simon/Ward 2. Station Hosp/Camp Lee, Va.

Nov 11, 1942

Dear Nate:

Got a letter from Dora today and glad to hear that all are well.  I am fine.  To date I haven’t used my car as I have had no occasion to.  But it will be mighty handy when I start flitting [sic] in camp here checking out.  I sure appreciate all you did for me in getting my car down.  You certainly went to a lot of trouble.  I hope I am able to reciprocate some day.  Nate I want to ask you about registering my tires.  Do you want to register them or should I?  Let me know as soon as possible as it must be done soon. Do you want me to copy the serial numbers and send them to you?  I could do it here.

There is nothing of great importance except that I found out that it would be better for me to apply in Washington in civilian clothes, so I think that is what I shall do.  I sure hope I get something out of it.  Believe me, I’ll try.

So until I hear from you.  I close with fondest regards and best wishes to all.



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Recommendation letter.  This was typed.





Corporal Abram Simon, ASN 13067524, has been a patient in the Station Hospital, Camp Lee, Virginia, from July 5, 1942, to date.

In all my contacts with him during this period I have found him to be very intelligent, courteous and understanding of all problems on hand, and I am sure that any consideration given him for any position he may seek will be more than adequately taken care of.  He appears to have excellent executive ability.

Sincerely yours,



Lt. Col., M.C.,

Chief of Medical Service

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