Carol Levy Schwartzman

Last edit of this page 2022.JAN.19

There is so much to say about Carol! We expect to get more detail for this page.

From Carol’s son Michael Schwartzman.

She was the most compassionate person I ever knew.  Strict as a teacher and parent but in a very nurturing way.  She and dad stressed the need for education, college, and more.  She loved to laugh and always referenced her Uncle Abe as the funniest person she knew.  Somehow she balanced being a teacher, a rebbitzin, and mother.  She was never one to complain, whether it was physical ailment or stressful situation.  We could not have had a better Mom.

Gary Simon adds on.

Everyone seems to have loved and admired my cousin Carol Levy Schwartzman.  I wish that I had had more time with her.  She married Rabbi Raphael Schwartzman, whom we all knew as Sol.  One of his early assignments was to an orthodox synagogue in Olyphant, Pennsylvania, just outside of Scranton.  We visited them at their apartment in Olyphant.  They had one or perhaps two children at that time.  The apartment impressed me as cramped, but they seemed to be very comfortable.   I don’t recall exactly the tasty snack that Carol made for us, but I recall the sweetness of that snack and also the sweetness of Carol.   Sol soon connected to a synagogue in Houston, and the family moved from Pennsylvania.   After quite a few years in Houston, they became affiliated with a synagogue in Chicago.

In 1995, Mike Landau (Abe Simon’s stepson) married Brenda Seiton.  Brenda’s family lived in Chicago, and the wedding was held at a lovely Chicago hotel.  The bride and groom were of different faith traditions, and the ceremony was non-sectarian.  The invite list of course included the Schwartzman family, then in Chicago.  Sol Schwartzman, as an orthodox rabbi was not in a position to attend.  But Carol Schwartzman just had to see her relatives, especially her beloved Uncle Abe.  And so she came to the reception phase of the event, and we were all so happy to see her and to be able to catch up on stories.

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