About this site

This website was set up by Gary Simon to hold the stories and pictures for my grandparents Jacob and Kate Simon and for their descendants.

For privacy concerns, the website will include information on living persons only with their approval. 

Do you have stories or photographs for this website?   If so, please contact me at GarySimonMonterey@gmail.com.   I’ve written many things for the website, but it would be wonderful to get a wide range of recollections and insights.

And why was this done?  My wife Judy is a very proficient genealogist, and she has assembled many family trees.  I am impressed by this undertaking, but also saddened to realize many of the people on these trees are described only by a very few facts, typically date of birth, name of spouse, names of children, and date of death.  People have personalities and peculiarities;  they have interests and passions;  they read books and they tell jokes.  We should honor our relatives by recording the memories of their complexities. 

Some of my aunts, uncles, and cousins who have died within the past two or three decades are now only thinly remembered.  Let’s gather our stories about them  — while we still can.

Judy gets an extra round of thanks for her enthusiasm and also for her uncanny ability to locate online information.

Last edit of this page 2021.JAN.10. Click here to return to home page.