Herman Levy’s Business

Last edit of this page 2022.JAN.23

Our information about Edith’s husband Herman comes from family stories and from details gleaned from the Binghamton, New York, Press and Sun-Bulletin.

Herman was born in Trenton, New Jersey, 1900.JAN.15. He and Edith were married in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 1922.JUL.04.

He and Edith purchased the house at 2 McDonald Avenue in July of 1923.

Herman Levy was the owner of a busy dry goods store in Binghamton, New York. The store advertised with great frequency in the Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin.

Running a business operation presented many small problems.

This ad of 1928.AUG.02 asked for care for Alan. The contact point was the store at 114 Clinton Street.

The store was a very prominent Binghamton operation.

In 1939, business declined. The reasons are not known. The advertisements in the Binghamton newspaper ceased. Consider these two items.

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